you ever wondered how larval invertebrates in the ocean orient
themselves? The answer often lies in a small balance organ called the
statocyst. A statocyst is a fluid-filled spherical capsule containing
a small stone, or statolith, and sensory cells that detect the
position of the statolith. Statocysts tell the organism which way is
up, and, in some cases, how fast it is moving.

This is a recently hatched juvenile of the ctenophore
(comb jelly)
Beroe sp. At
the aboral pole (up, opposite the mouth) there is a dome made of cilia
- the equivalent of the statocyst capsule. Inside this dome you will
note an aggregate of small marbles - that is the statolith. This
aboral sense organ detects gravity and controls the movement of comb
rows (ctenes) and the ctenophore’s orientation. The statolith rests on
four tufts of support cilia, connected via ciliary grooves to the ctene
rows. Tilting changes the gravitational pressure of the statolith on
the support cilia, which ultimately controls the beating rate of of
the ctenes. Differentially beating ctenes on one side allows the
animal to turn and return to vertical position (Hyman 1940).

This is a veliger larva of the nudibranch Diaulula sandiegensis (which
hatched in the lab after we collected the egg mass off a dock in the
Charleston marina about a month ago). At the anterior end (up) you
will note a ciliated appendage - the velum, with which the larva
swims. Below it there are two statocysts. Each contains a single
statolith. Statocysts form during intracapsular development, in the
late trochophore and early veliger stages in gastropod mollusks
(Hyman 1967).

Here is another kind of balance organ in an ascidian
tadpole larva. This tadpole was released by the colonial ascidian
occidentalis. In ascidian tadpoles the balance organ is called a statocyte, and
occupies the bottom of a sensory vesicle, which also contains a light
sensing organ - the ocellus or eye (Cloney et al. 2001). The
statocyte contains a single melanin granule, the statolith. Both the
statolith and the ocellus are visible on this picture. The ocellus is
the black crescent shape, while the statolith is the black round
shape underneath. These two organs are involved in the perception of environmental cues that drive ascidian tadpole behavior (Zega et al. 2006).
Cloney RA, Young
CM, Svane I. (2001) Phylum Chordata: Urochordata. In:Atlas of Marine
Invertebrate Larvae. Academic Press. New York. P. 567.
L.H. (1940) Protozoa through Ctenophora. The Invertebrates. Vol 1.
McGraw-Hill, New York. P. 665-8.
L. H. (1967) Mollusca. The Invertebrates. Vol VI. McGraw-Hill, New
York. P. 471, 548, 583.
Zega G, Thorndyke MC, Brown ER (2006) Development of swimming behaviour in the larva of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. J Exp Biol 209: 3405-12.
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