In a plankton tow taken in
Charleston, OR on February 20, 2013, I found several polychaete nectochaete
larvae of Magelona sp.,
which I was able to identify by their long anterior tentacles. The tentacles apparently
develop as extensions of the prototroch (larval ciliary band) and are suspected
to be used in locomotion and feeding (Wilson 1982). I noticed the tentacles were
relaxed and extended when the larva was hanging suspended in the water column,
but during rapid sinusoidal movements of the body, the larva coiled up its
tentacles and kept them close to the body.
This picture is a close up of
one of the tentacles. You will notice that they are covered by papillae. The
papillae are present along the entire length of the tentacle but only on the
dorsal side. Pairs of papillae appear to be at right angles to each other as
they each emerge from the surface of the tentacle. It is suspected that the
papillae may serve a sensory function by detecting vibrations in the
surrounding water (Jones 1968).
This is a close up of the
larval mouth (ventral view) - note its distinct triangular shape. Two eyespots
are also noticeable near the anterior end of the larva. Toward the posterior
(down), bundles of bristles emerge from paired chaetal sacs on each segment of
the body.
Wilson DP. 1982. The larval
development of three species of Magelona (Polychaeta) from localities near Plymouth. J
Mar Biol Ass UK 62: 385-401
Jones ML. 1968. On the
morphology, feeding, and behavior of Magelona sp. Biol Bull 134(2): 272-297.
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