Friday, May 28, 2010
Trochophore larva of the polychaete Serpula

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Twin juvenile rudiment in purple urchin larva

The case of twins in this situation intrigues me very much. I am a fraternal twin myself, which means that my twin sister came from a different fertilized egg. These urchin twins came from a single fertilized egg, but they are conjoined (share a single gut). They each have an oral side, but have no aboral side. Likely they will not survive much longer after metamorphosis (S. A. Maslakova, pers. communication).
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sabellaria cementarium larvae
Juvenile Sand Dollar

Feeding in echinopluteus larva

Planktonic larvae of the sand dollar, Dendraster excentricus, can remain in the water column for various amounts of time from a few weeks up to two months (Emlet, 1986). They have cilia, that help them feed and move in the water. These pictures show six-armed pluteus larva of D. excentricus from ventral side (where the mouth opens). Larval mouth is facing us. It is surrounded by a circumoral (= around the mouth) ciliated band, stretched out on the larval arms. The cilia in the ciliated band direct food, such as microscopic algal cells, into the mouth.
The top picture shows the post-oral (= posterior to the mouth) portion of the ciliated band stretched between the two post-oral larval arms. The second picture is of the same larva, but in a different focal plane, showing the pre-oral portion (anterior to the mouth) of the ciliated band. The third picture shows the same larva, in a different (deeper) focal plane. I am now focussing on the larval gut. From the mouth the food particles are directed into the esophagus (the anterior portion of the larval gut). The mouth (upper left) and esophagus together make up the bulb-like shape. Mouth is the “head” of the bulb, and esophagus is the narrower portion.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Early spicule development in Dendraster exentricus

Nechtochaete larva of the polychaete Magelona

These large tentacles are thought to function as locomotory suspension organs (Wilson 1982).While observing the larva under a compound microscope I noticed that it would contract and expand the tentacles and move around under the cover slip. The chaetae found on the larva may also aid in defense against predators. The larva’s tentacles have also been hypothesized by Wilson (1982) to assist in the capture of prey. Lebour (1922) and Smidt (1951) observed bivalve veliger larvae in the guts of larval Magelona. During metamorphosis, the larval tentacles are replaced by proportionally smaller adult tentacles.
Lebour MV. 1922. The food of plankton organisms. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 12: 644-677.
Smidt ELB. 1951. Animal production in the Danish Waddensea. Meddelelser Kommission fra Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havundersogelser. 11 (6): 151.
Wilson DP. 1982. The larval development of three species of Magelona (Polychaeta) from localities near Plymouth. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 62: 385-401.
Trochophore larva of the polychaete Sabellaria

Kozloff, E.N. 1974. Seashore Life of the northern Pacific Coast; an illustrated guide to northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. U of Washington P: Seattle.
Pennington, J. T., & Chia, F.-S. (1984). Morphological and Behavioral Defenses of Trochophore Larvae of Sabellaria cementarium (Polychaeta) against Four Planktonic Predators. Biological Bulletin. 167 (1), 168-175.
Juvenile brittle star in polarized light

Arm formation in pluteus larvae

Fertilization in a sea urchin and a starfish

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
DNA sequence identifies a larval nemertean
Marley Jarvis has finished her rotation project in my lab. Her project was to try to identify several planktonic larvae using DNA sequence data, while learning some basic molecular techniques (DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis etc.). Among other things, we have sequenced portions of two mitochondrial genes (16S rDNA and Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I) from the pilidium, which based on its morphology, I preliminary identified as belonging to the palaeonemertean Family Hubrechtidae, and likely the genus Hubrechtella (see my earlier post this year). It was a surprise to find this larva, because, no hubrechtids are currently known to occur on the Pacific Coast of North America. We have matched the 16S sequence derived from this pilidium to the sequence, I obtained earlier from the hubrechtid species from the Sea of Japan, Hubrechtella juliae Chernyshev, 2003. The uncorrected sequence divergence is 0.7% for 16S. Sequence divergence of less than 1% for this region of 16S, suggests that the larva belongs to Hubrechtella juliae, or a very closely related species (very likely morphologically indistinguishable). Because this pilidium larva is at a very early developmental stage (before formation of any of the juvenile rudiments, called imaginal discs), and because of what we know about the dominant currents in the Pacific Ocean, it is highly unlikely that this larva was carried here from the Sea of Japan. A more likely explanation is that Hubrechtella juliae occurs on the Pacific Coast of North America, but we have not found the adults yet.
Chernyshev AV. 2003. Novy vid roda Hubrechtella (Nemertea, Anopla) i obosnovanie semeistva Hubrechtellidae. [A new species of the genus Hubrechtella (Nemertea, Anopla) from the Sea of Japan, and establishement of the family Hubrechtellidae]. In Russian. Biologiya Morya. 29(5): 368-370.
Chernyshev AV. 2003. Novy vid roda Hubrechtella (Nemertea, Anopla) i obosnovanie semeistva Hubrechtellidae. [A new species of the genus Hubrechtella (Nemertea, Anopla) from the Sea of Japan, and establishement of the family Hubrechtellidae]. In Russian. Biologiya Morya. 29(5): 368-370.
Marine gastropod escaping its chorion

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Laboratory culture of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (red urchin)

On 17 March 2010, I collected 4 adult red urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, from the Lighthouse Island channel, near Charleston, OR, during low tide. They were found in burrows, holes in the rocky outcroppings created by repetitive scraping by their spines and teeth, alongside some purple urchins, S. purpuratus. This is a relatively rare find, because S. franciscanus is mostly subtidal. Red urchins have longer spines and tube feet, as well as a larger test diameter compared to purple urchins, and often they are more reddish than purple. In my Comparative Embryology Class, we were looking at the development of S. purpuratus and I was interested to follow the development of a closely related species. I induced spawning in the adult urchins in the lab by injecting them with 5 ml of 0.5 M potassium chloride. I then collected eggs and sperm, and started a culture that afternoon. According to Strathmann (1987), S. purpuratus eggs range from 78 to 80 µm, while eggs of S. franciscanus are between 130 and 140 µm. The eggs I fertilized averaged 125 µm in diameter (n=10) and the fertilization envelope expanded in about a minute after addition of sperm to eggs. It raised about 18 µm (n=10) from the surface of the eggs. After 16 hours at 13°C, the embryos reached the blastula stage shown here. The fertilization envelope is still seen around the blastula, which rotates within the envelope. Eggs of S. purpuratus would take over 20 hours to reach the blastula stage at the same temperature.
Strathmann, M. 1987. Phylum Echinodermata, Class Echinoidea. In Reproduction and Development of Marine Invertebrates of the Northern Pacific Coast. P. 512. University of Washington Press, Seattle.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Bryozoan coronate larvae
I study the cheilostomate bryozoan Schizoporella unicornis (Johnston), which encrusts hard substrates and looks like a bright orange patch, as large as a quarter coin or bigger. A recent paper by Tompsett et al. (2009) has suggested that S. unicornis on the west coast is in fact S. japonica. I have found colonies of this bryozoan on the California mussels (Mytilus californianus) growing on the floating docks of the inner boat basin in Charleston, OR. Bryozoans are colonial animals; each individual within a colony is called a zooid. S. unicornis broods its embryos in modified zooids called ovicells. When exposed to bright light for several hours, S. unicornis releases lecithotrophic (non-feeding) coronate larvae, which are approximately 300 μm in length.
The larvae swim towards the light, actively changing their shape with muscular contractions. The larva appears bright orange in reflected light (although it looks brownish in transmitted light, as you can see) with two dark reddish pigment spots one on each side of the apical organ. The entire body surface is covered with cilia (the outer ciliated epithelium of a coronate larva is called corona ciliata). The cilia of the corona ciliata beat in a clockwise direction when viewed from the apical pole. The internal sac is well defined and visible through the body wall at the broader posterior end of the larva. The thin tri-radial dark line (top picture) is the lumen of this thick-walled epidermal invagination. This invagination is everted during metamorphosis, helps the larva attach to the substratum, and makes up a significant portion of the epidermis of the founding zooid of the colony.
Between the two dark red pigment spots lies the sensory region called apical organ (it looks like a finely outlined oval). Ventral to the apical organ is a smaller lighter red pigment spot (middle and bottom pictures) marking the location of the ciliated cleft, which contains a bundle of longer stronger beating cilia, called the vibratile plume (see bottom picture, at about seven o-clock). The vibratile plume is a sensory structure which plays a role in selecting the appropriate substratum for larval settlement.
These larvae are fascinating, but ephemeral. If a suitable substrate is available, they will settle within hours of being released, and metamorphose (transform) into the founding zooid (ancestrula) of a new bryozoan colony!

Tompsett S, Porter JS, Taylor PD. 2009. Taxonomy of the fouling cheilostome bryozoans Schizoporella unicornis (Johnston) and Schizoporella errata (Waters). J Nat Hist. 43:2227-2243.
Asteroid Bipinnaria Larva

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Actinotroch of Phoronis vancouverensis
These pictures are stacks of confocal images of two different actinotroch larvae of the horseshoe worm Phoronis vancouverensis (Phylum Phoronida). P. vancouverensis is a rather inconspicuous phoronid which lives in small (a few centimeters long) muddy tubes in clumps, attached to some sort of hard substratum (a rock, a floating dock) often in somewhat muddy surroundings. This species broods its larvae in the crown of tentacles, called the lophophore. I gently shook the larvae out of the lophophore of an adult and prepared them for confocal microscopy with my students while teaching the Comparative Embryology course at the Friday Harbor Labs in the Summer 2007.
We preserved the larvae and stained them with fluorescent phallodin (a toxin, derived from the deathcap mushroom Amanita phalloides), which binds to filamentous actin. Muscles are highlighted because they are full of actin, a protein which enables cellular contractility. So, most of what you see on these pictures are muscle fibers. There is also quite a bit of actin in the cell cortex (the region of the cytoplasm adjacent to the plasma membrane). So, the outlines of epidermal cells are often also labeled with phalloidin.
The anterior end of the larva has a large preoral hood (upper right). The mouth opens under the hood. The first picture is a side view. The second picture is a ventral view. The hood is lifted, and we are looking straight into the larval mouth. Posterior to the mouth is a set of tentacles, which bear a ciliated band used in capturing microscopic food particles. At the posterior end (bottom left) is another ring of ciliated cells, which propels the larva through the water. You cannot see the cilia in this preparation (because they are not fluorescent), but you can see the outlines of the small cells which compose the larval ciliated bands.
We preserved the larvae and stained them with fluorescent phallodin (a toxin, derived from the deathcap mushroom Amanita phalloides), which binds to filamentous actin. Muscles are highlighted because they are full of actin, a protein which enables cellular contractility. So, most of what you see on these pictures are muscle fibers. There is also quite a bit of actin in the cell cortex (the region of the cytoplasm adjacent to the plasma membrane). So, the outlines of epidermal cells are often also labeled with phalloidin.
The anterior end of the larva has a large preoral hood (upper right). The mouth opens under the hood. The first picture is a side view. The second picture is a ventral view. The hood is lifted, and we are looking straight into the larval mouth. Posterior to the mouth is a set of tentacles, which bear a ciliated band used in capturing microscopic food particles. At the posterior end (bottom left) is another ring of ciliated cells, which propels the larva through the water. You cannot see the cilia in this preparation (because they are not fluorescent), but you can see the outlines of the small cells which compose the larval ciliated bands.
Actinotroch larva of Phoronopsis harmeri
This is a dark field microphotograph of an actinotroch larva that, according to Dr. Elena Temereva, a Russian specialist on phoronid development who examined the larva, belongs to the horseshoe worm Phoronopsis harmeri (Temereva 2009). This species, also known as Phoronopsis viridis, is a common intertidal species on the sandflats in the Pacific Northwest. This particular larva was caught in a plankton tow I took in August 2006 in a channel separating the San Juan Island and the Shaw Island in Puget Sound, WA. This larva had 16 tentacles and was about 0.9 mm long. Its broad preoral hood is up. The semi-transparent tube inside is the stomach. A ring of cilia at the posterior end (down) is the telotroch, which propels the larva through the water. This larva had numerous pigment granules (which appear golden in reflected light and black in transmitted light) along the tentacles, the margin of the hood, the telotroch, and even the protocoel (a small coelomic sack in the hood).
Temereva EN. 2009. New data on distribution, morphology and taxonomy of phoronid larvae (Lophophorata: Phoronida). Invertebrate Zoology 6(1): 47-64.
Temereva EN. 2009. New data on distribution, morphology and taxonomy of phoronid larvae (Lophophorata: Phoronida). Invertebrate Zoology 6(1): 47-64.
Pteropod Limacina sp.
This is a picture of a pteropod mollusc Limacina sp. This pelagic snail swims with its modified foot (which looks like two wings). Although pelagic and tiny (only a few millimiters in diameter), this is not a larva, but an adult. This beautiful semi-transparent specimen is photographed though a dissecting microscope on a dark background. It came out of a plankton tow taken by Alan Shanks on October 7, 2009 just outside the mouth of Coos Bay, OR (near buoy K). George von Dassow made a time-lapse movie of early embryonic develpment in Limacina and made it available along with many other time-lapse videos of development on the website of the Center for Cell Dynamics (Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington). Scroll down to the movie called: "Early development in the pteropod Limacina".
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Blastomere Separation: Part Two

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Hydrocoel in 8-Armed Ophiopluteus
While using a dissecting microscope to sort through the sample from the ocean later that day, I stumbled on this larva nestled within many diatoms. I was surprised that I was able to see the larva at all, because it was nearly translucent, though it was a relatively big larva, with a “wingspan” over 2 mm. The larva had 8 long, slender arms, which were set at a wide angle. I determined that it was an 8-armed ophiopluteus (a larval brittle star). My Invertebrate Zoology professor Richard Emlet, who happens to know a lot about echinoderm larval development, suggested that it might belong to one of three local species of brittle stars, Ophiopholis aculeata, Ophiura luetkeni, or Ophiura sarsii.
The coolest part about this larva was the 5-lobed hydrocoel, which is the large coelomic sack on the left side of the esophagus, well visible on this photo. This stage suggests that the larva was around a month old (R. Emlet, personal communication). Each lobe of the hydrocoel will become an arm of the water vascular system in the adult brittle star. The hydrocoel will migrate around and surround the esophagus before metamorphosis.
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