Williams, L.G. (1980). Development and feeding of the larvae of the nudibranch gastropods Hermissenda crassicornis and Aeolidia papillosa. Malacologia 20:99–116.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Two types of Aeolidia papillosa larvae
Williams, L.G. (1980). Development and feeding of the larvae of the nudibranch gastropods Hermissenda crassicornis and Aeolidia papillosa. Malacologia 20:99–116.
Reproduction in monogonont rotifers
This is a marine rotifer from the genus Synchaeta (according to a key in Wallace & Snell 2010). Rotifers are a phylum of small, mostly fresh-water invertebrates. This adult individual is 0.7 mm long. When I found it in the plankton sample, it was carrying two egg capsules attached to its foot (a little stalk at posterior end of the organism-see photo). While I watched it, one of the egg cases ruptured, releasing a fully formed and seemingly completely functional miniature (~ half a millimeter long) rotifer. The empty case remained attached to the foot of the adult, while the newly hatched rotifer (shown below) began swimming immediately.
A dearth of information about development, distribution, and ecology in NE Pacific rotifers leave members of this phylum prime candidates for future research.
Fradkin, S.C. (2007). Rotifera. Light's manual; intertidal invertebrates of the central California coast. 4th ed. pp 280-282. J.T. Carlton (ed.). University of California Press.
King, C.E. (1969). Experimental studies of aging in rotifers. Experimental Gerontology 4: 69-79.
Wallace, R.L., Snell T.W. (2010). Rotifera. In: Ecology and classification of North American freshwater invertebrates. 1st ed. pp 173-235. J.H. Throp and A.P. Covich, eds. Academic Press.
Ricci, C., Melone, G. (1998). Dwarf males in monogonont rotifers. Aquatic Ecology 32: 361-365.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Early development and spermatophore of the phoronid Phoronopsis harmeri
There is some controversy regarding the early cleavage pattern of phoronids. While some researchers have reported radial cleavage, others have reported spiral cleavage, biradial cleavage, and “derived spiral” cleavage (reviewed by Pennerstorfer and Scholtz, 2012). In spiral cleavage, the blastomeres of the early embryo divide along a plane that is oblique to the animal-vegetal (A/V) axis, and the cells are not stacked directly on top of each other but are offset from one another. In contrast, blastomeres undergoing typical radial cleavage divide either parallel or perpendicular to the A/V axis, and the cells stack directly on top of one another (Ruppert et al. 2004). Pennerstorfer and Scholtz (2012) quantified the number of embryos exhibiting spiral-like cleavage in Phoronis muelleri and the degree of tilt of the plane of division. They concluded that, beginning with the third cleavage, early cell division in P. muelleri tends to occur in a spiral pattern, although there is a high amount of variability among embryos of this species.

Pennerstorfer. M. and Scholtz, G. 2012. Early cleavage in Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida) displays spiral features.Evolution and Development. 14(6): 484-500.
Rupert, E., Fox, R., and Barnes, R. 2004. Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach. 7 ed. Brooks/Cole.
Zimmer, R. 1997. Phoronids, Brachiopods, and Bryozoans: The Lophophorates. In Embryology: Constructing the Organism. Gilbert, S. and Raunio, A. Eds. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Sunderland, MA.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Development of Trimusculus, a limpet-like marine snail
Trimusculus reticulatus, or the button-snail, is an unusual marine gastropod that looks like a
limpet (i.e. a member of the Patellogastropoda) but is not. It is, in fact, a
pulmonate gastropod (it has a lung) - a relative of the common garden snail. Pulmonate species are
generally terrestrial or live in fresh water, but some are marine like T. reticulatus. The adults of T. reticulatus are found in
the high intertidal underneath the overhangs of boulders or on the roofs of sea
I collected the specimen pictured here from Strawberry Hill, Oregon. As shown, the shell of adult T. reticulatus is about the size of a penny. The shell is shallow and uncoiled, like that of a true limpet, but unlike shells of most other gastropods.
T. reticulatus lays its eggs in petal-like gelatinous masses around itself (Johnson 1968). These “petals” were detached during collection. Each “petal” is about 5-10 mm in diameter and contains dozens of embryos; the picture has a 5 mm scale bar. The color is indicative of “petal’s” age. The whitish masses contain embryos in earlier stages of development. In light brown masses the veliger larvae are about to hatch. The “petals” pictured here were produced sequentially by a single individual.
This is an embryo from one of the whitish ”petals”. Note the two polar bodies (at four o'clock) trapped inside the oval egg capsule. Polar bodies mark the animal pole of the embryo. This embryo is gastrulating (forming the primary gut). The indentation at the opposite (vegetal) pole is the blastopore – the opening of the primary gut, which will become the mouth of the larva.
This is a hatched veliger larva. Unlike the adult, the larva has a typical coiled shell – a vestige from the evolutionary past. One can also see the velum – the ciliated larval appendage used for swimming – pulled into the shell, the foot with an operculum, and the statocyst – a paired larval balance organ – that looks like a little marble inside a spherical capsule.
Johnson, K.J. (1968) Studies on the feeding, movement, and respiration of the pulmonate limpet Trimusculus (Gadinia) reticulatus (Sowerby) with notes on general morphology, egg masses, and veliger larva. Unpubl. student paper (abstract). Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon
I collected the specimen pictured here from Strawberry Hill, Oregon. As shown, the shell of adult T. reticulatus is about the size of a penny. The shell is shallow and uncoiled, like that of a true limpet, but unlike shells of most other gastropods.
T. reticulatus lays its eggs in petal-like gelatinous masses around itself (Johnson 1968). These “petals” were detached during collection. Each “petal” is about 5-10 mm in diameter and contains dozens of embryos; the picture has a 5 mm scale bar. The color is indicative of “petal’s” age. The whitish masses contain embryos in earlier stages of development. In light brown masses the veliger larvae are about to hatch. The “petals” pictured here were produced sequentially by a single individual.
This is an embryo from one of the whitish ”petals”. Note the two polar bodies (at four o'clock) trapped inside the oval egg capsule. Polar bodies mark the animal pole of the embryo. This embryo is gastrulating (forming the primary gut). The indentation at the opposite (vegetal) pole is the blastopore – the opening of the primary gut, which will become the mouth of the larva.
This is a hatched veliger larva. Unlike the adult, the larva has a typical coiled shell – a vestige from the evolutionary past. One can also see the velum – the ciliated larval appendage used for swimming – pulled into the shell, the foot with an operculum, and the statocyst – a paired larval balance organ – that looks like a little marble inside a spherical capsule.
Johnson, K.J. (1968) Studies on the feeding, movement, and respiration of the pulmonate limpet Trimusculus (Gadinia) reticulatus (Sowerby) with notes on general morphology, egg masses, and veliger larva. Unpubl. student paper (abstract). Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Unidentified wild-caught Müller’s larva
My larva had at least 4 lobes, more likely 6 (two ventro-lateral, two dorsal-lateral, and two unpaired). One can see clearly two of the lobes in focus in these pictures. The lobes are often retracted or flattened when the larva is under the coverglass. Note the dark green branched gut inside the larva. Polyclads, in general, are characterized by a multilobed gut. Many Müller’s larvae apparently require food in order to reach metamorphosis but only a few species have been observed to feed in the laboratory on microscopic algae (Rawlinson 2010 and references therein).
Martín- Durán, J. M. and Egger, B. 2012. Developmental diversity in free-living flatworms. EvoDevo, 3:7.
Rawlinson, K. 2010. Embryonic
and post-embryonic development of the polyclad flatworm Maritigrella crozieri;
implications for the evolution of spiralian life history traits. Frontiers in
Zoology 7: 12.
Smith NF,
Johnson KB and Young, CY. 2002. Platyhelminthes. In: Atlas of Marine
Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by C. M. Young. Academic Press. New York.
Bowling for Calliostoma
Calliostoma ligatum is a gastropod found on the rocky intertidal of the Pacific coast. Calliostoma are dioecous (i.e. have separate sexes) and, like most other archaeogastropods, free-spawn their gametes. Conveniently, C. ligatum can be easily induced to spawn in the lab if mildly harassed.
The two individuals pictured here were collected intertidally at the South Cove of Cape Arago near Charleston, OR. I placed them out at room temperature in small bowls filled with sea water, set the bowls on my desk to allow the water to warm up, and flipped the snails upside-down. When they regained their footing (takes about a minute or two) I would flip them again. I repeated this for about fifty minutes (it usually only takes as little as half an hour) after which the snails began to spawn. The first picture shows a male actively releasing sperm, hence the cloudy water in the bowl.
This is a female which has recently released a mass of large 220 µm greenish eggs loosely connected by a jelly. She is flipped on her back, so one can see the bright orange foot rimmed with brown, the operculum, two cephalic tentacles and four pairs of epipodal tentacles.
The third picture shows an egg two hours after fertilization. You can see here that C. ligatum eggs are surrounded by an egg envelope (a distinct membrane near the surface of the egg), and a thick bilayered jelly coat. Note the two tiny clear cells (at 6 o’clock) trapped inside the egg envelope. These are polar bodies, the tiny sister cells of the oocyte, which contain the DNA discarded during meiosis. As in many other marine invertebrates meiosis in Calliostoma is completed after fertilization. Presence of the polar bodies is a sure sign of fertilization. Note a single needle-like spermatozoan still trapped in the inner layer of the egg jelly (at about 1 o'clock). Clearly it did not make it!
The two individuals pictured here were collected intertidally at the South Cove of Cape Arago near Charleston, OR. I placed them out at room temperature in small bowls filled with sea water, set the bowls on my desk to allow the water to warm up, and flipped the snails upside-down. When they regained their footing (takes about a minute or two) I would flip them again. I repeated this for about fifty minutes (it usually only takes as little as half an hour) after which the snails began to spawn. The first picture shows a male actively releasing sperm, hence the cloudy water in the bowl.
This is a female which has recently released a mass of large 220 µm greenish eggs loosely connected by a jelly. She is flipped on her back, so one can see the bright orange foot rimmed with brown, the operculum, two cephalic tentacles and four pairs of epipodal tentacles.
The third picture shows an egg two hours after fertilization. You can see here that C. ligatum eggs are surrounded by an egg envelope (a distinct membrane near the surface of the egg), and a thick bilayered jelly coat. Note the two tiny clear cells (at 6 o’clock) trapped inside the egg envelope. These are polar bodies, the tiny sister cells of the oocyte, which contain the DNA discarded during meiosis. As in many other marine invertebrates meiosis in Calliostoma is completed after fertilization. Presence of the polar bodies is a sure sign of fertilization. Note a single needle-like spermatozoan still trapped in the inner layer of the egg jelly (at about 1 o'clock). Clearly it did not make it!
Planktotrophy versus lecithotrophy
Many marine invertebrates undergo indirect development, a kind of life history that includes a larval stage distinct from the adult. Two types of larval development are distinguished based on the source of larval nutrition. Lecithotrophy, meaning “feeding on yolk”, refers to development with a non-feeding larva, which depends on the egg’s yolk reserve supplied by the mother. Planktotrophy, meaning “feeding on plankton” refers to development via a larva that must feed in the plankton in order to develop to metamorphosis.
Species with planktotrophic development produce many small energy-poor eggs with adequate nutrient reserves for the development of a feeding larva. These larvae must begin to feed immediately upon acquisition of feeding structures since they rapidly deplete their relatively insignificant yolk stores. Lecithotrophic species, on the other hand, produce fewer but larger eggs. These large yolky eggs develop into non-feeding larvae which usually lack feeding structures (e.g. mouth, gut, ciliary bands for capture of food particles). Lecithotrophic larvae spend comparatively less time in the plankton, and begin to feed after metamorphosis. Here, I pictured eggs of two sea star species with contrasting development. The opaque orange egg on the left (~1.2 mm in diameter) belongs to Mediaster aequalis, a lecithotroph, while the relatively transparent oocyte on the right (~150 µm) belongs to Pisaster ochraceus, a planktotroph.
This picture depicts a 3-week old pluteus larva of Dendraster excentricus (sand dollar) which develops from a 125 µm egg and exemplifies planktotrophic development. Planktotrophic larvae, like this pluteus, have a functional gut, and one can often see food in their stomachs. Note several green single-celled algae (Dunaliella) inside the larval stomach. Feeding larvae typically spend weeks to months in the plankton before metamorphosis. This larva has begun to form the juvenile rudiment - an unpaired sack-like structure visible between two of the larval arms on the left side of the image. This is also the left side of the larva, which is viewed from the dorsal side (anterior at upper left). With plenty of food Dendraster plutei may reach metamorphopsis after 3-4 weeks at ambient sea temperature.
The last picture depicts a wild-caught lecithotrophic doliolaria larva of Cucumaria miniata a local species of sea cucumber, that develops from large yolky eggs (~ 500 µm). Its planktonic development lasts only about two weeks and the larvae lack the capacity (and the need) to feed.

Monday, May 20, 2013
Early cleavage in echinoderms
Early development in echinoderm embryos follows a regular
and predictable pattern. The first and second cleavages are equal and
meridional (cut along the animal-vegetal axis of the egg). The third cleavage
is equal and equatorial, i.e. perpendicular to the plane of the first two
divisions, resulting in two tiers of 4 equal-sized cells. The nature of the
fourth cleavage (from 8 to 16 cells) differs between echinoids and asteroids.
The first picture shows a side view of a 16-cell stage of
the sea star Pisaster ochraceus (animal
pole, marked by the two polar bodies, is at about two o’clock). As you can see
here, all cells (12 of 16 are visible in this focal plane) are equal in size.
The second picture shows a side view of a 16-celled embryo
of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus
(animal pole up). As in most other echinoids, the four cells of the animal
pole tier divided equally and meridionally, producing a tier of eight equal-sized
cells (called mesomeres). Four mesomeres are clearly visible in this focal
plane. The blastomeres of the vegetal tier divided equatorially and unequally
producing four smaller cells at the vegetal pole, called micromeres (two are
visible), and four larger cells called macromeres (two are in focus). The
micromeres of echinoids give rise to the larval skeletogenic cells. In
comparison, asteroids, have no micromeres and no larval skeletal spicules (see a
post by Nick Hayman).
Other differences in early development of the two classes
are also apparent here. In the asteroids, developing
oocytes in the adult ovary are arrested at prophase I. Meiosis is normally completed
after fertilization (which traps the polar bodies inside the fertilization
envelope). This is why you can see the polar bodies in the top picture. On the
other hand, in echinoids oocytes complete meiosis in the ovary (prior to
fertilization), thus no polar bodies can be seen inside the fertilization envelope.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Development of the nudibranch Janolus fuscus
Nudibranchs are arguably some of the most flamboyant animals of the Pacific coast. Janolus fuscus (shown here), a sub-tidal species that is commonly found on the floating docks in Oregon, is no exception. Surprisingly, it’s brilliant and delicate morphology is a beautiful display of camouflage. Janolus fuscus is remarkably difficult to spot when it is on its primary food source, the bryzoan Bugula pacifica. Its distinctly lined cerata break up the nudibranch's outline, making the body less conspicuous. Its translucent flesh allows the nudibranch to blend in. The two characteristics seem gaudy until the nudibranch is viewed in it’s native habitat, where they act as a veil. Often, the egg masses of J. fuscus are more visible than the adults.
Nudibranchs are simultaneous hermaphrodites, so a mature adult can mate with any other mature adult of the species. Nudibranchs deposit eggs in characteristic gelatinous masses. An egg mass of J. fuscus depicted here is a cylindrical, jelly-filled cord with egg capsules
arranged in a single row, resembling white beads on a string.
As you can see, each capsule contains numerous embryos. The embryos undergo spiral cleavage and develop into trochophore larvae at around the forth day after egg deposition.
Two days later, the trochophores develop into veligers, with a shell and velum. Veligers hatch after about two weeks of development, and spend about six weeks in the plankton feeding on unicellular algae. Then the larvae settle on a bryzoan (preferably Bugula pacifica) and undergo meta-morphosis to become a juvenile (e.g. loose the shell and become elongated). Unlike the larvae, the juveniles feed on bryzoan lophophores. The juveniles grow into mature adults, all the while camouflaged by the bryzoan upon which they depend.
M. Wolf. 2012. The reproductive ecology of a northeastern Pacific nudibranch, Janolus fuscus, with an examination of its endoparasitic copepod, Ismaila belciki, Biol. Bull. 222: 137–149.
M. Wolf. 2012. The reproductive ecology of a northeastern Pacific nudibranch, Janolus fuscus, with an examination of its endoparasitic copepod, Ismaila belciki, Biol. Bull. 222: 137–149.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Egg capsule and larva of the intertidal snail Littorina scutulata
Pictured here is the adult, egg case, and veliger larva of Littorina scutulata. L. scutulata is a small (up to 1.5 cm shell height) gastropod, common in the mid- to high-intertidal of the west coast of North America (Kozloff and Price 1996, Reid 2007). The shape of the penis, tentacle pattern, and characteristics of the egg capsule distinguish L. scutulata from its co-occurring sister species, L. plena.

The veligers hatch from the egg capsule about a week after egg laying, and measure about 160 micrometers long. They are competent to settle after spending four weeks in the plankton and reaching about 300-360 micrometers in length. The veliger shown here is about 210 microns long. One can see the velum and its two ciliary bands (the more prominent and more anterior prototroch, and the less prominent metatroch). Note also the larva’s paired eyes and statocysts. The statocyst is a balance organ that looks like a round vesicle with a marble inside.
Reid, D. 2007. Littorina. In: Intertidal Invertebrates from Central California to Oregon. Carlton, James T. ed. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California. 2007.
Kozloff, E. N. and Price, L. H. 1996. Phylum Mollusca: Class Gastropoda. In: Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest. Kozloff, E.N. ed. University of Washington Press. Seattle and London.
Buckland-Nicks, J., Chia, F-S, and Behrens, S. 1972. Oviposition and development of two intertidal snails, Littorina sitkana and Littorina scutulata. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 51: 359-365
Hohenlohe, P. A. 2002. Life history of Littorina scutulata and Littorina plena, sibling gastropod species with planktonic larvae. Invertebrate Biology. 12 (1): 25-37.
Filopodia of mesenchymal cells in gastrulating echinoderms
These pictures show gastrulating echinoderm embryos. I was fascinated by the role filopodial
processes (small-thread-like-extensions) of mesenchymal cells play during
echinoderm gastrulation.
The first two pictures show a 30-hour old gastrula of the sand dollar Dendraster
excentricus. During echinoid gastrulation the first cells to enter the
blastocoel (the spatial gel-filled cavity inside the embryo) are called primary
mesenchyme cells. Then, the archenteron (the primary gut) buckles in
(invaginates). Through a series of cell rearrangements called convergence and
extension, the archenteron (a large tube visible here inside the embryo)
elongates and extends towards the roof of the blastocoel. In the meantime the
primary mesenchyme cells form two groups and begin to secrete calcareous larval
spicules (two tri-radiate spicules are visible here on either side of the
archenteron). Approximately two thirds of the way up, a second group of cells
ingress into the blastocoel from the roof of the archenteron. This is where the filopodia come in.
This image is a close up view of the tip of the archenteron, showing a secondary mesenchyme cell with a long conical projection reaching
toward the roof of the blastocoel. These processes attach to the roof of the
blastocoel and aid in the final extension of the archenteron.
This picture shows a 62 hour old gastrula of
a sea star Pisaster
ochraceous. Asteroids lack the primary mesenchyme cells, so the
mesenchyme cells that ingress at the tip of the archenteron are the only
mesenchyme they have. Note the lack of primary mesenchyme cells in the
blastocoel and the numerous branched filopodia on the mesenchyme cells at the
tip of the archenteron.
The epitokes of Autolytus: swarming to mate

Dorresteijn A & Westheide W. (2010). Reproductive strategies and developmental patterns in annelids. Dordrecht London: Springer.
Rouse G & Pleijel F. (2001). Polychaetes. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.
Rouse G & Pleijel F. (2006). Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Annelida. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Birefringent structures in marine invertebrates
If one treats light as a transverse wave, as per Maxwell’s equations, a beam of unpolarized light can be thought of as a collection of these waves oscillating in all planes (Bennett, 1950). A polarizer placed over this ray would then block the transmission of all but one plane of oscillation. Normally a second polarizer, called an analyzer, placed perpendicular to the first would then remove that last plane of light, allowing no transmission. However, if that light is first passed through an anisotropic medium, that is one that is highly ordered, it causes light to refract in a secondary, angled path in addition to the one that will be cancelled out by the analyzer. This double refraction is called birefringence (Inuoe, 1970). This effect can be seen in the luminescence of various calcareous structures of marine invertebrates.
The image at left is a four-week old pluteus larva of the sand dollar, Dendraster excentricus, that I cultured in the lab. The larval spicules of the pluteus, which are made primarily of calcite, an anisotropic material, are illuminated. The larva’s left postoral arm can be seen in the plane of focus, one of its six arms at this stage of development.
Here, the two rings of calcite larval ossicles of a doliolaria, the non-feeding planktonic larva of a sea cucumber, can be seen to be birefringent. These ossicles will eventually be embedded in the epidermis of the adult holothuroid, toughening the exterior of the animal.
This picture shows the tri-radiate calcite spicules of the sea sponge, Leucilla nuttingi. These three-pointed rods are imbedded in the organism’s mesohyl, and are characteristic of sponges in the class Calcarea. A section of the sponge’s exterior was excised and then allowed to dissolve in a solution of 8% bleach, leaving only its calcareous skeleton.
Bennett, HS. Methods Applicable to the Study of Both Fresh and Fixed Material, in McClung’s Handbook of Microscopial Technique, 3rd ed., Paul Hoeber, New York, 1950. pp. 591-677
Inoué, Shinya. An Introduction to Biological Polarization Microscopy. Program in Biophysical Cytology. Woods Hole, MA 1970.

This picture shows the tri-radiate calcite spicules of the sea sponge, Leucilla nuttingi. These three-pointed rods are imbedded in the organism’s mesohyl, and are characteristic of sponges in the class Calcarea. A section of the sponge’s exterior was excised and then allowed to dissolve in a solution of 8% bleach, leaving only its calcareous skeleton.
Bennett, HS. Methods Applicable to the Study of Both Fresh and Fixed Material, in McClung’s Handbook of Microscopial Technique, 3rd ed., Paul Hoeber, New York, 1950. pp. 591-677
Inoué, Shinya. An Introduction to Biological Polarization Microscopy. Program in Biophysical Cytology. Woods Hole, MA 1970.
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