I found a few of these interesting embryos in a plankton tow taken off a dock in Charleston, OR in January 2013. Under a dissecting microscope, I could see the embryo itself was greenish and about 250 microns across, but it seemed to be surrounded by a halo several hundred microns in diameter. When I sucked the embryo into my pipet, I could see the “halo” contacting the inside walls of the pipet. As it turns out, the “halo” is a jelly layer, a characteristic of some embryos that, among other things, helps protect it from microbes (Hellberg et al. 2012). Oregon Institute of Marine Biology research scientist George von Dassow identified the specimen as a gastropod mollusk (snail) embryo.
A closer look under a compound microscope revealed many
fascinating things about this embryo. In the first photo, you’ll
notice two small, clear cells at about 4 o'clock. These cells, called polar bodies because they mark the animal pole, are essentially the waste products of meiosis. In many
invertebrate phyla, meiosis II is not completed until after fertilization, so
the resulting polar bodies remain inside the chorion (the membrane surrounding the embryo inside the jelly).

After a few days, the embryo had developed into a gastropod veliger larva about 400 microns long. The reticulated pattern on its shell suggests this veliger belongs to the turban snail genus Calliostoma, of which there are 5 species in Oregon (Goddard 2001). The larva uses the compound cilia of its velum (ciliated structure at 4 o'clock) to feed and move throught the water column.
Franke ES, Babcock RC, Styan CA. (2002) Sexual conflict and
polyspermy under sperm-limited conditions: In situ evidence from field
simulations with the free-spawning marine echinoid Evechinus chloroticus. American Naturalist 160(4): 485-496
Goddard JHR. 2001. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: An Identification Guide to Marine Larval Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest. Edited by Alan Shanks. OSU Press, Corvallis.
Goddard JHR. 2001. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: An Identification Guide to Marine Larval Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest. Edited by Alan Shanks. OSU Press, Corvallis.
Hellberg ME, Dennis AB, Arbour-Reily A, Aagaard JE, Swanson
WJ. (2012) The Tegula tango:
A coevolutionary dance of interacting, positively selected sperm and egg
proteins. Evolution 66(6): 1681-1694